Travelling Songs

© Ayriel Studios

At times, certain artists seamlessly blend with a space, fitting like a hand in a glove. Over the past couple of days, we've had the privilege of hosting three such musicians, here to craft new songs inspired by nature and travel. How fitting then, their journey across these moors, providing the perfect backdrop to inspire their creativity.

They arrived as the sun was setting over the valley of Westerdale, the ideal environment, if there ever was one, for song-collector and folk-singer Sam Lee, his pianist collaborator James Keay, and their percussionist Joshua Green. Sam is well known for singing with nightingales - and although we’re too far north for those, we can offer a thriving skein of curlews… (which didn’t go unnoticed).

Observing these three musicians engage in their improvisatory and masterful writing process was both fascinating and moving, as if new songs were being plucked from the very air of the moors around us - nature transformed into sound.

© Paul Ingram

The abundant natural wood in the Live Room seemed to amplify Sam's mellifluous voice, that gorgeous tone complemented by the symbiotic sensitivity of his receptive colleagues.

Hurry back - this recording studio is tailor-made for the magic of your sound!


The Perfect Mix


All About the Vibe!